UCC ROAST MASTER ブラジル ベレーダ農園です。
UCC ROAST MASTERは、UCC焙煎職人の中から選ばれたローストチャンピオンが、熟練の技術を駆使して創り上げるコーヒーです。
ブラジル ベレーダ農園
ベレーダ農園(Fazenda Vereda)は、ブラジル(Brazil)ミナス・ジェライス州(英語:State of Minas Gerais、ポルトガル語:Estado de Minas Gerais)トリアングロ・ミネイロ・エ・アルト・パラナイバ中地域(Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaiba Mésorégion)パトス・デ・ミナス小地域(Patos de Minas Microregion)サン・ゴタルド(São Gotardo)に位置する農園です。ブラジルの生態系としては、サバンナ地帯のセラード(Cerrado)に区分されます。
農園主は、デビッド・オットーニ(David Ottoni)です。
オットーニは、ブラジルコーヒー協会(IBC)(Brazilian Coffee Institute)の解散後に設立されたブラジルスペシャルティコーヒー協会(BSCA)(Brazil Specialty Coffee Association)の初代会長です。
Brazil's coffee industry has undergone a drastic transformation over the last eight years. With the demise of the Brazilian Coffee Institute (IBC) in 1990, the country's coffee industry has been liberated from government control, leaving growers subject to the demands of the market. The increase in coffee prices, as well as favorable price differentials for fine coffees, has convinced the Brazilians of the need to produce high quality coffees for export. Growers now study New York's Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange and the Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F) in Sao Paulo closely. Gone are the days of sacrificing quality for quantity. The focus now is on producing quality coffees for the international market....
Several farms in the region have begun producing single estate coffees. These farms are members of the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA). The BSCA was founded in 1991 by Ismael Andrade, Joaquim Libanio Ferreira Leite, Cleber Paiva, Marcelo Vieira, Fernando Paiva, Washington Rodrigues, and David Ottoni, who is currently president of the association. Today, there are 16 members who produce a total of 600,000 bags of milled coffee.
The aims of the BSCA are to produce and export specialty coffee, participate in international conferences with stands and samples of their coffees, and advertise and market the quality of the member farms, some of which produce 100,000 bags per year.
"This decade will focus on productivity, marketing, and advertising," said Ottoni. "We are sure that Brazil has incomparable potential for improving quality at a competitive price in the international market."
"Cerrado emerges as producer of high quality coffee.",Tea & Coffee Trade Journal 1998年8月1日.
デビッド・オットーニは、1935年にイタリア人とポルトガル人の間に生まれました。1960年に「ルイス・デ・ケイロス」農科大学(ESALQ)(Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz")で農学を修め、サンタ・アリナ農園(Fazenda Santa Alina)で父親のホアキン・ベルナルデス(Joaquim Bernardes)と働き始めました。その後すぐに、彼は家族のディアマンテ農園(Fazenda Diamante)の管理を受け継ぎ、さらにいくつかの農園の所有者となりました。彼はコーヒーに関わる生涯で、研究センターや最新機器を用い、高品質のコーヒーを生産することに投資してきました。
彼の息子のクラウディオ(Cláudio)、クリスティアーノ(Cristiano)、カルロス・アルベルト(Carlos Alberto)もコーヒー業界で働いています。ベレーダ農園は、1987年からデビッド・オットーニがコーヒー栽培を開始した農園で、現在は三男のカルロスが農園を管理しています。
Cristiano Ottoni, whose family owns Fazenda Limeira in the Sul de Minas region and Fazenda Vereda in the Cerrado region, produces 70,000 bags a year and expects to increase that to 100,000 next year. He sees a good future in the business but only for producers who are ready to invest in quality and diversity. That, he says, is the only sales strategy that works. Investing in quality means planting the right varieties, using the right technology, and training personnel in all aspects of production.
"Specialty coffee is a reality in Brazil, and every day it gains importance as roasters come to know the real characteristics of specialty coffee and the consumer sees the value in it," Ottoni says. "The world values these coffees, and the tendency is to value them more."
Ottoni warns that specializing in quality while reducing costs is the only way for producers to survive the future, where he sees a trend toward lower international prices.
"Can Brazil take over the world?",Tea & Coffee Trade Journal 1999年8月1日.
UCC ROAST MASTER ブラジル ベレーダ農園


