珈房サッポロ珈琲館:ルワンダ フギ ハニー

珈房サッポロ珈琲館 ルワンダ フギ ハニーです。


ルワンダ フギ ハニー

フギ ウォッシング・ステーション

フギ ウォッシング・ステーション(Fugi Washing Station)、ルワンダ(Rwanda)南部州(Southern Province)ニャルグル郡(Nyaruguru District)ンゴマ・セクター(Ngoma Sector)フギ(Fugi)に位置するコーヒー・ウォッシング・ステーションです。バホ・コーヒー(Baho Coffee)が所有しています。

バホ・コーヒーは、2017年にルサティラ・エマニュエル(Rusatira Emmanuel)によって設立されました。






1994年は黒い年だった。「何度も苦しんだ。自殺しようとさえした。ある日、川に飛び込んで死にたいと思った。下を見ると、川には死体があった。深い穴に飛び込もうとしたら、叔父に止められた。「Imbwa zizabarya」ー母の言葉を思い出した。私は自分が犬になっていることに気づいた。『私は何をしているのだろう?これは間違いだ』と思った。そしてその日から、家族のために責任を負い、生きるために戦うことを決めたんだ」とエマニュエルは言う。





誰もが認める成功者だが、エマは落ち着かなかった。「私の心は、『エマ、君はモデルになるべきだ。独立し、かつてのあなたのような人々の生活を変える手助けをする必要がある』と言い続けていた。」と彼は主張する。2016年、エマは自分のビジネスを始め、農家と密接に働くために仕事を辞めた。彼はフギCWSを購入し、2017年にはブゴイを、2018年にはムゾをリースし、そして最も大きなフムレの建設を始めた。この1年半の間に、彼はさらに3つの洗浄ステーションをバホのポートフォリオに加えた: アカゲラCWS、キナジCWS、ンゴマCWSである。





“I grew up hating coffee!”

Emma was the first born male in a rural family who grew cassava, bananas and coffee. His parents had 120 coffee trees. As the oldest son, he was automatically treated as his father’s successor and worked on the farm from a young age. “5:30 in the morning? I was out fetching water or picking cherries or firewood. Everything was Emma. I didn’t enjoy that situation and would have cutted the trees if they couldn’t see me! It didn’t let me sleep,” he remembers.

His mother was the reason why Emma worked hard. “I liked father and he was a good man, but he was always fighting with mother. You know, poverty is the source of a bad life… There wasn’t a good environment in the home.” “One day,” he goes, “I went to my father and said ‘Look! You are beating mother because I am small, but I will grow up and I will have revenge!’ Mother was shaking… She knew what I meant. ‘I will break you, boy’, he said to me.”

Taking cover under banana trees

Emma remembers that, from that day onwards, the others started calling him “mama’s boy”. He didn’t care. He no longer hated labouring either. On the 6th of April of 1994 “men” came for his family. “‘Whatever happens everybody stays close to me,’ father said. But I knew what was going to happen and mother told me to look after my brothers and sisters. They trusted me.” Emma ran and took his siblings with him. “It was raining and about to get dark. We found a ditch in the middle of the banana trees and hid there for the night. I fell asleep…” In the morning, the ones who survived came back to the village. “The first person I found was my father.”

1994 was a black year. “I struggled a lot. Even tried to kill myself. One day I wanted to jump in the river and die. I looked down and saw bodies in the river. I tried jumping in a deep hole and my uncle stopped me. ‘Imbwa zizabarya’ - I remembered my mother’s words. I realized I was becoming a dog. ‘What am I doing? This is a mistake’, I thought. And from that day I decided to take responsibility for my family and to fight for life,” Emmanuel says.  

Study, hard work and a whole batch of smelly cherries

When the schools reopened in 1995, Emma was the only amongst his siblings to return. It was his job to do well for himself so that he could help the others. On weekdays he would study and on weekends and holidays he would labour. He completed secondary school in 1998 and worked as a teacher for 4 years. “Now it was my time to help my brothers and sisters. I built a new home for us because in the old one we could see the stars at night - the roof was perforated. I sent my siblings to school. Only after that I went to university to study agricultural engineering.”

After leaving university, Emma joined Rwacof, the subsidiary of a multinational export-import company, to manage a washing station. It was the year the government started to invest in quality and promote the washed process in Rwanda. “No one knew about fully washed coffees. It was very new. On my first time I messed everything up. It was so bad you could smell the coffee from a distance,” he laughs. As time passed and Emma became more experienced, one washing station became two, three… By 2015 he was managing 37 CWS as the head of the specialty, sustainability and certifications department.

Farmers are the real bosses

A successful man by anyone’s standards, Emma didn’t settle. “My heart kept telling me ‘Emma, you need to be a model. You need to be independent and help change the lives of the people that are like you once were’,” he claims. In 2016 Emma quit his job to start his own business and work closely with farmers. He bought Fugyi CWS, then Bugoyi in 2017, leased Muzo in 2018 and started building Humure, the biggest of them all. In the last 18 months he added 3 more washing stations to Baho’s portfolio: Akagera CWS, Kinazi CWS and Ngoma CWS.

Today, Emma has developed quite a reputation for himself. He is known in Rwanda and abroad for the quality of his coffees and his many experiments. Visit Baho’s Instagram page and you’ll find videos of a friendly-looking Emma showing barrels of fermented cherries, strangely white and covered by yeast nono-lots and honeys drying on raised beds. Baho is also launching their first female coffee, produced by a recently organized group of women that are heads of households and that he is calling Ikizere (hope).

"Baho Coffee: The boy who ate the dog",algrano 2020年6月30日.

フギ ウォッシング・ステーションは、バホ・コーヒーが初めて手がけたウォッシング・ステーションです。

フギ ウォッシング・ステーションは、標高1,450mにあり、コーヒーは標高1,550m - 1,850mの丘陵地に分布する砂質と粘土質の土壌で栽培され、年間平均降水量は1205mmです。コーヒーチェリーの年間生産量は約600トンです。





珈房サッポロ珈琲館 ルワンダ フギ ハニー

ルワンダ フギ ハニー


フギ ウオッシングステーションになります。



