インドネシア コエリンジ・バロカ
コエリンジ・バロカ(Koerintji Barokah)(Koperasi Permasaran Koerintji Barokah Bersama)は、インドネシア(Indonesia)スマトラ島(Sumatra)ジャンビ州(Jambi Province)クリンチ県(Kerinci Regency)の協同組合です。2017年に設立され、2019年に輸出ライセンスを取得しました。
Triyono spends most of his days doing the things he enjoys most, performing cupping tests to ensure the coffee beans produced from his cooperative has a consistent and exceptional quality. In 2012, Triyono sold vegetables and chickens for his income. Now, he is the Chairman of the Koerintji Barokah Bersama Cooperative, an award-winning coffee farmers' organization with 320 members in Kerinci, Jambi Province.
From conversations with fellow Rikolto team members who have worked alongside Triyono and having spoken to him directly, it is clear that he is a force to be reckoned with. Before becoming Rikolto's partner, Triyono started his journey in the agricultural sector as a horticulture farmer.
"With horticulture, I had to plant, harvest, and plant again. But with coffee, I can plant once and reap the benefits every two weeks. Coffee trees also don't use a lot of pesticides that harm the environment," said Triyono.
Aiming to have a steadier source of income, Triyono started to switch his focus from horticulture to coffee. Through Rikolto, Triyono began learning about coffee processing and marketing, and how he can further explore the potentials of Kerinci coffee.
Since established in June 2017, the Barokah Cooperative was able to grow exponentially under Triyono's leadership. Rikolto has been supporting the members of Barokah Cooperative through various capacity building activities, including coffee cultivation and processing, sustainable agricultural practices, as well as improving their business capacities and expanding their market access.
In their first year, the Barokah Cooperative won the first place at the Indonesian Specialty Coffee Contest in Jakarta. In 2018, they won second place on the same contest and was invited by the Indonesian Embassy to Hanoi, Vietnam for a coffee exhibition. The Barokah Cooperative also received the Bronze Gourmet at the Salon International de l'Agroalimentaire (SIAL) exhibition in Paris.
"Elevating the Kerinci coffee: A story of a young farmer",rikolto 2020年8月12日.
コエリンジ・バロカは、インドネシア カップ・オブ・エクセレンス(CoE)(Cup of Excellence)において、2021年にシガラウータン(Sigarar Utang)、S-795、アンドゥンサーリー(Andung Sari)のハニー(Honey)が88.49点を獲得し第6位、2022年にシガラウータン(Sigarar Utang)70%、アンドゥンサーリー(Andung Sari)30%のラクティック・ナチュラル(Lactic Natural)が87.74点を獲得し第12位に入賞しました。
コエリンジ・バロカ Koerintji Barokah:https://real-coffee.net/category/coffee-origin/southeast-asia/indonesia/sumatra/jambi-province/kerinci-regency/koerintji-barokah